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Magnet Wires

We are proud of the fact that we were granted ISO certification in 1995 – the first in India in the field. The Company’s systems are ISO 9001: 2008 certified by Underwriters Laboratories, USA. We were also the first to install Six Sigma systems and obtain UL certification for all products. In continuation of our emphasis on quality, we are now in the process of obtaining certification for TS 16949 – the current most comprehensive quality system. more...
Haryana Wires Profile

Copper Insulated Magnet Wires To meet the exacting quality demands of magnet wires by the industry, Haryana Insulated Wires Ltd., was set up in 1981 by a group of highly qualified technocrats. The Company's quality and systems were recognized when we were awarded ISO certification by KPMG accredited to ANSI, USA in 1995. more...
Magnet Wires Reasearch & Development

Magnet Wires ResearchWe endeavour to maintain zero error in the quality of our products by striving to achieve total quality in our dealing with the individual customers. Customer Service and care are of prime importance to us. Our research and development department provides an important contribution. more...